Our Proven Expertise

For more than 25 years, we have effectively balanced demand and supply to ​optimize ​sales, inventory, and processes. Our improvements in supplier performance ​have also ​added significant value as we deliver tailored solutions across diverse sectors.


Innovative Virtual Makeup Try-On Platform

We contributed to the success of the L'Oréal ​Makeup Genius app, which became very popular in ​​China with millions of downloads after launch. ​Our ​efforts greatly increased L'Oréal market ​presence ​and inspired similar apps in hair care and ​skincare.


The Merck Manual Mobile App: ​​Your Health Companion

Our strong project management skills and expertise ​of software professionals, ​resulted in a user-​friendly platform for accessing ​comprehensive ​medical information by both healthcare ​professionals and the general public.

UPS i-Parcel

Streamlining Global Shipping and Tracking

The success of UPS i-parcel is credited to our ​customized project management approach and ​global collaboration. Significant improvements in ​tracking capabilities prioritize a streamlined and ​customer-centric experience.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Sectors


We maximize project efficiency ​​by addressing the challenges ​of testing, quality ​control, and ​scheduling to ensure timely, ​​high-quality delivery.

Power Plant/Outages

We support outages and ​optimize production within ​regulatory budgets, integrating ​new technologies to meet ​consumer expectations.

Information Technology

We manage complex IT ​initiatives to ensure efficient ​resource allocation, scope ​definition, cost control, and ​risk mitigation.

ERP ​Implementation

We improve stakeholder ​​communication and ​collaboration ​to ensure alignment with ​business ​needs and the achievement of ​​project goals.


We navigate challenges such ​as ​weather disruptions and ​​technological complexities to ​​ensure efficient stakeholder ​​coordination and sustainability.

Cross-Functional ​Teams

We promote cooperation ​and overcome ​communication challenges ​to ensure project success.

Project ​Development

We help industries facing ​innovation pressures navigate ​tighter schedules and ​coordination challenges for ​successful product development.

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